Full Stack Laravel Performance Monitoring

Get out-of-the-box visibility into critical KPIs and business performance with our Laravel monitoring tools. Analyze database transactions, debug with detailed traces, and visualize your applications and their dependencies for optimal insights and management.

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Application Performance Monitoring
No Code Changes. Get Instant Insights for PHP frameworks.

1. Add repository and GPG key

sudo curl  https://s3.amazonaws.com/atatus-artifacts/gpg/atatus.gpg  | sudo apt-key add -

  Add the debian repository

sudo  echo  "deb https://s3.amazonaws.com/atatus-artifacts/atatus-php/debian stable main"  | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/atatus-php-agent.list

2. Install the PHP agent

sudo apt-get update

ATATUS_LICENSE_KEY="APM_LIC_KEY"  ATATUS_APP_NAME="YOUR_APP_NAME"  apt-get install atatus-php-agent -y

3. Restart your PHP services.

1. Add the redhat repository

sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/atatus-php-agent.repo  https://s3.amazonaws.com/atatus-artifacts/atatus-php/rpm/x86_64/atatus-php-agent.repo

sudo yum -q makecache -y  --disablerepo='*'  --enablerepo='atatus-php-agent'

2. Install the PHP agent

sudo  ATATUS_LICENSE_KEY="APM_LIC_KEY"  ATATUS_APP_NAME="YOUR_APP_NAME"  yum install atatus-php-agent -y

3. Restart your PHP services.

1. Download Atatus PHP agent

wget  https://s3.amazonaws.com/atatus-artifacts/atatus-php/downloads/atatus-php-1.14.0-x64-musl.tar.gz

  Unzip the agent files

tar -xzvf atatus-php-1.14.0-x64-musl.tar.gz
cd  atatus-php-1.14.0-x64-musl

2. Install the PHP agent


3. Restart your PHP services.

1. Download Atatus PHP agent

wget  https://s3.amazonaws.com/atatus-artifacts/atatus-php/downloads/atatus-php-1.14.0-x64-osx.tar.gz

  Unzip the agent files

tar -xzvf atatus-php-1.14.0-x64-osx.tar.gz
cd  atatus-php-1.14.0-x64-osx

2. Install the PHP agent


3. Restart your PHP services.

1. Download Atatus PHP agent

heroku config:set  HEROKU_PHP_PLATFORM_REPOSITORIES="https://s3.amazonaws.com/atatus-php-heroku-ext/heroku/"

  Set license key and app name


2. Add Atatus Heroku extension in composer.json

    "require" : {
     "ext-atatus" : "1.14.0"
    "require" : {
     "platform" : {
      "ext-atatus" : "1.14.0"

3. Install Atatus Heroku extension.

composer update ext-atatus

4. Commit those changes to Heroku and deploy your application once again.

git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m  'Added ext-atatus dependency to Heroku app'
git push heroku master

5. Access your PHP app

Laravel Performance Monitoring

Laravel Performance Monitoring provides end-to-end capabilities to pinpoint poor-performing API calls, monitor business transactions, and identify failed HTTP requests within your Laravel application.

Laravel Slowest APISlowest API

Optimize laravel slow response times

Automatically visualize end-to-end business transactions in your Laravel application. Monitor the amount and type of failed HTTP status codes and application crash . Analyze response time to identify performance issues and Laravel errors on each and every business transaction. Understand the impact of methods and database calls that affects your customer's experience in reports.

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Laravel Transaction Monitoring
Optimize DB queriesOptimize DB queries

Find Performance Bottlenecks

Examine all SQL and NoSQL queries used by your Laravel server. Identify slow database queries and optimize query performance with database monitoring proactively. Monitor and measure third party API calls' response times and REST API failure rates along with HTTP status codes. With Laravel application performance monitoring you can slice and dice performance metrics in real time—based on host, version, release stage, URL and other attributes.

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Laravel Database Monitoring
Exception RateLaravel performance analysis

Quickly diagnose and fix Laravel performance errors

Every error is tracked using error tracking and captured with full stacktrace and exact line of source code is highlighted to make bug fixing easier. Get all the essential data such as class, message, URL, request agent, version etc to fix the Laravel exceptions and errors. Laravel monitoring identifies buggy API or third party services by investigating API failure rates and application crashes. Get alerts for application errors and exceptions via Email, Slack, PagerDuty, or using webhooks.

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Laravel Error Tracking
Failure countHTTP Failures

Spot out and fix Laravel API failures

Quickly view the highest Laravel HTTP failures and get each request information along with custom data to identify the root cause of the failures. See the breakdown of the API failures based on HTTP Status Codes and the end-users having the highest impact.

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API Failures
Slowest RequestSlowest Request Breakdown

Figure out where your Laravel app time is spent

Break down slow requests by time spent in code blocks, database queries, external services, templates, message queues and much more. View logs, infrastructure metrics, VM metrics in context with the original request with the real-time laravel performance metrics.

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Slowest Request Breakdown

Start fixing issues impacting your users right now

Try it free. No credit card required. Instant set-up.

Awesome Support

Best APM Monitoring tool

"Atatus customer service is just amazing. I had before New Relic and Stackify and I can honestly say that Atatus compared to those two is the leader! Leader in pricing and user interface and ability to drill down to the problem."

— S Herman Kiefus, DevOps Admin, Compass

Monitoring your software stack made easy!

Auto Instrumentation

Auto Instrumentation

Utilize industry-leading integrations with libraries and frameworks for in-depth invisibility into Java, PHP, Node.js, Ruby, Python, Go, .NET applications.

Real-time observability

Real-time observability

See data from multiple apps in real time and visualize critical information including transaction performance, error rate, database performance, network calls and more.

Resolve issues quickly

Resolve issues quickly

Quickly identify error and Laravel performance issues and fix them by using the context, environment, and more before it affects your customers.

Unlimited applications

Unlimited applications

Track all your Laravel application workflow in one place. Add your production, dev, staging, QA to monitor your applications through the complete software development cycle.

Custom Queries

Custom Queries

Get your questions answered. Use custom queries to slice and dice the data by transaction, URL, error, user, browser, host OS and more using Laravel performance monitoring.

Built for developers

Built for developers

Designed by developers, for developers and managers to determine when and where your attention is required and enable teams to ship more and fix less.

Smart notifications

Smart notifications

Setup alerts to automatically monitor your applications for increase in response time, API failures, error rate and much more. Get notified through various channels, including Slack, Teams, Email, PagerDuty and more.

Compare releases

Compare releases

Easily compare one time range to another and so on, and identify changes in app behavior and stability with respect to the app releases.

Email digests

Email digests

Don't miss out on your Laravel web application performance and error stats. Atatus can send you weekly and monthly summaries directly to your inbox, helping you monitor web services and application performance monitoring.

FAQ on Laravel Application Performance Monitoring

How to Measure Laravel Performance?

To effectively measure Laravel performance, utilize Laravel-specific performance monitoring tools such as Laravel APM. These tools provide insights into key metrics including:

  1. Response Time
  2. Database Queries
  3. Memory Usage
  4. CPU Usage

Atatus offers comprehensive Laravel APM capabilities, providing real-time visibility into these metrics to help you identify and resolve performance bottlenecks efficiently.

How Can I Improve My Laravel Performance?

Improving Laravel performance involves:

  1. Optimizing database queries and using efficient indexing.
  2. Monitoring and optimizing memory usage.
  3. Caching frequently accessed data to reduce database load.
  4. Profiling and optimizing application code to identify and address code-level performance hotspots.
  5. Atatus seamlessly integrates with Laravel and other PHP frameworks, offering tailored monitoring solutions to enhance application performance.
Can Atatus Integrate with Laravel and PHP Frameworks?

Yes, Atatus integrates seamlessly with Laravel and other popular PHP frameworks such as Symfony, CodeIgniter, and more. It automatically instruments and monitors specific Laravel components and libraries, providing comprehensive insights into application performance.

What Metrics Are Needed for Laravel Performance Monitoring?

Key metrics for effective Laravel performance monitoring include:

  1. Response time for web requests
  2. Error rates and exception handling
  3. Database query performance
  4. CPU and memory usage
What Are the Benefits of Laravel APM?

Laravel APM offers several advantages:

  1. Continuous insights into application performance with real-time monitoring.
  2. Early detection and alerting of errors and slow transactions.
  3. Detection of slow transactions and resource-intensive operations.
  4. Optimization of database queries and response time for improved performance.
  5. Efficient resource utilization to reduce operational costs.
  6. Detailed performance analytics to support data-driven decision-making.
How Can PHP Memory Usage Be Optimized with Laravel APM?

Optimizing PHP memory usage involves:

  1. Minimizing object creation and effectively managing memory allocation.
  2. Choosing efficient data structures and caching strategies.
  3. Monitoring memory usage in real-time with Laravel monitoring tools like Atatus.
  4. Adjusting caching configurations based on APM insights to optimize performance.
  5. Utilizing APM tools for rapid detection and resolution of memory leaks and inefficiencies.

Trusted Protection through Global Compliance

Feel assured as we maintain rigorous security protocols, ensuring the safety of your data with every interaction

SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant
SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant
ISO 27001 Certified
ISO 27001 Certified
GDPR & CCPA Compliant
GDPR & CCPA Compliant

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