Every second counts in gaming

Atatus is an all-in-one performance monitoring solution. We offer instant insights into your game's health, back-end performance, server metrics and user experience with application monitoring. Find out the issues that impact the performance of your gaming application.

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Gaming Performance Response Time
Transactions Response TimeConsistency

Optimized Graphics Rendering

Actively log and analyze metrics such as average, minimum, and maximum frame rates to identify trends and outliers, enabling targeted optimizations. Additionally, tracing capabilities allow gaming teams to pinpoint specific code paths causing rendering issues, facilitating efficient troubleshooting and refinement.

Gaming Infra Usage
Transactions Response TimeInfrastructure

Real-Time CPU and Memory Optimization

Monitoring CPU usage in real-time and optimizing resource utilization, along with detecting memory leaks and areas of excessive consumption, developers can ensure efficient CPU utilization and overall performance improvement, thereby reducing latency and enhancing gameplay responsiveness.

Session Traces
Transactions Response TimeRendering Issue

Effectiveness of an application

Ensure your users could play games at any time they want without any issue since a website can have several scripts which when loading may not render properly and can cause issues. Track all your API and other external requests with API monitoring . Set up alerts to get notified whenever an error occurs and resolve them to avoid your gamers frustration.

API Monitoring
Transactions Response TimeBusiness

User engagement

The quality amount of time users spend on any application is more important for business development. For every organization holding their users back by giving them more entertainment through your game would be helpful to increase the sales.

FAQs for Observability Platform for Gaming Applications

What is an observability platform, and how does it benefit gaming applications?

An observability platform like Atatus provides insights into the performance and behavior of gaming applications by collecting, aggregating, and analyzing various types of data such as metrics, logs, and traces. This helps gaming companies monitor their applications in real-time, identify issues, and optimize performance.

What specific metrics can Atatus monitor for gaming applications?

Atatus can monitor metrics related to server performance, player experience, latency, error rates, CPU and memory usage, network traffic, and more. It can also track custom metrics specific to the gaming application's performance and business objectives.

How does Atatus collect and analyze metrics for gaming applications?

Atatus employs lightweight agents installed on gaming servers and client devices to collect metrics at high frequency intervals. These agents gather data on CPU and memory utilization, network traffic, disk I/O, and custom application metrics.

The collected data is then aggregated and sent to Atatus's backend for analysis using algorithms and statistical techniques to identify trends, anomalies, and performance issues.

Can Atatus provide insights into distributed gaming architectures?

Yes, Atatus offers distributed tracing capabilities that allow gaming companies to visualize and analyze the flow of requests across microservices and distributed systems. By instrumenting code with distributed tracing libraries, developers can trace requests as they traverse through various components of the gaming application, helping identify latency bottlenecks, service dependencies, and performance optimizations.

Can Atatus help optimize database performance for gaming applications?

Yes, Atatus integrates with popular database systems used in gaming applications, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Redis, to provide detailed insights into database performance metrics. By monitoring metrics such as query execution time, throughput, and cache hit rates, Atatus helps identify and address performance bottlenecks, optimize database configurations, and ensure smooth and efficient operation of gaming databases.

How does Atatus assist in monitoring player experience and engagement metrics?

Atatus's application performance monitoring (APM) capabilities enable gaming companies to monitor player experience and engagement metrics by instrumenting code to capture user interactions, in-game events, and transactional data. By correlating APM data with infrastructure metrics and logs, developers can gain a comprehensive understanding of player behavior, identify performance issues impacting player experience, and optimize game features to enhance engagement and retention.

Can Atatus help gaming companies optimize their infrastructure and reduce operational costs?

Yes, Atatus provides insights into resource utilization, performance bottlenecks, and inefficient processes, enabling gaming companies to optimize their infrastructure and reduce operational costs. By identifying areas for optimization and streamlining workflows, Atatus helps companies improve efficiency and maximize ROI on their infrastructure investments.

Can Atatus help in ensuring the security of gaming applications and player data?

While Atatus primarily focuses on monitoring and observability, it can help gaming companies detect security incidents and anomalies by monitoring logs and network traffic for suspicious activities. Integrating Atatus with security tools and services allows companies to enhance the overall security posture of their gaming applications and protect player data.

What products does Atatus provide?

Atatus supports a wide range of products across various domains to help organizations monitor and optimize their systems and applications.

  1. Application Performance Monitoring
  2. Real User Monitoring
  3. Synthetic Monitoring
  4. Logs Monitoring
  5. Infrastructure Monitoring
  6. API Analytics
  7. Database Monitoring
  8. Kubernetes Monitoring

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You don't have to trust our word. Hear what our customers say!

Atatus is a great product with great support. Super easy to integrate, it automatically hooks into everything. The support team and dev team were also very helpful in fixing a bug and updating the docs.
Tobias L
Full Stack Engineer, ClearVoyage
Atatus is powerful, flexible, scalable, and has assisted countless times to identify issues in record time. With user identification, insight into XHR requests to name a few it is the monitoring tool we choose for our SPAs.
Jan Paul
Jan-Paul B
Chief Executive Officer, iSavta
Atatus continues to deliver useful features based on customer feedback. Atatus support team has been responsive and gave visibility into their timeline of requested features.
Daniel G
Software Engineer, MYND Management

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SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant
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ISO 27001 Certified
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GDPR & CCPA Compliant

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